I am creating music with SUNO and loving it!

Luis Serrano
I am creating music with SUNO and loving it!


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I discovered SUNO AI not long ago, and in the beginning, I thought it was just a cool toy. But ever since I started using it and writing my own songs, I am totally hooked. Music has always been important in my life, and it’s helped me cope with extreme situations, especially as a child. Music actually brought me back from a very, very dark place. As an adult, music has continued to be important, and I am one of those nerds who can identify almost any commercial song after the first note.

So you can imagine how big of a deal it is for me to be able to create my own songs! I have even created a YouTube channel and I publish music videos for my favorite creations. It’s not my first experience creating music, I actually started when I was 16, using a Soundblaster sound card and an MS-DOS application called Fast Tracker II. Obviously, the resulting tracks back then were nowhere near Suno’s quality, but they were my tracks and I was super proud of them.

I might try my hand at Logic Pro, but for now, I am enjoying writing lyrics and telling stories with music. This is an example, a track called “Second Chances.” Hope you like it! (If you do, you know the drill… like and subscribe!)

🔗 youtube.com/luisnomad


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